The Ultimate Guide to Friendsgiving

savvy wcm

November is the time for holiday planning and preparation. With Thanksgiving around the corner, we are putting our event planning hats on and getting ready for family, friend and food fun. We wanted to share a few friendsgiving tips for our friends who may be new to this...

Don't take on the whole meal yourself. The host should always supply the turkey and the gravy. Everything else can be brought by those attending. This will limit the stress of the big day so no one is overwhelmed. Each dish is sure to have a story behind it, which makes a great topic at dinner.

The 18th is the perfect day for friends giving: It's close enough to the big day but far enough that you won't mind the repeated food.

Ever wonder how much turkey to buy? Here is an easy guide. Roughly about 4lbs for every 6 guests.

Serve the meal buffet style, this allows your guests choose what they want to eat and it will eliminate any awkward moments of uneaten side dishes

If attending a Friendsgiving it's polite to bring the host a gift. A nice flower arrangement, a bottle of scotch or a kitchen gadget makes a perfect gift.

Don't set a table. With Friendsgiving people come and people go, you don't want to tie people down to the table. Instead your guests should be conversing around a punch bowl or keg.

Remember, Friendsgiving is a time to celebrate your friends, eat great food while not having the stresses of family on thanksgiving day. This is a down plaid relaxed version. So kick back and enjoy your time with your friends.

Team Savvy